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Y Light
Plywood, fused recycled plastic bags, and LED light
Celestial light
Upcycled wood, fused recycled plastic bags, and LED light
Rolling Light
Veneered MDF with LED lighting.
Pickles light
Upcycled pickles glass and wood, LED lights
Baba Au Rhum
Upcycled glass and wood, LED lights
Invisible light
Plexiglass, PVC sheet and paper.
Coffee light
Upcycled glass coffee jar, waste wood and acrylic board, with LED lights
Branch Light
Plywood, fused recycled plastic bags, and LED light
Schwepps light
Recycled HDPE and PET plastic, with LED light
Light Tower
Upcycled glass jars, waste wood and acrylic board, sand, with LED light
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